
What is it?

General knowledge databases for public library users and older students.  Explora is an interface that searches all EBSCO subscribed databases in one place.  Links to specific to each database are also provided for inclusion as you wish.

How do patrons access it?

Place custom links on your website.

Please note: wherever you see ns004890 in the links below, you need to replace that with your library's EBSCO site ID.  If you don’t know your site ID, contact our EBSCO rep Jeff Cutler (jcutler@ebsco.com) or Barry Trott (barry.trott.lva.virginia.gov).

Explora Public Libraries (searches MasterFILE and ReadIt!):

Explora Secondary Schools (aimed at HS students; searches MasterFILE and ReadIt!):

MasterFILE Complete:

ReadIt! (Lower lexile with foreign language translation capability and comprehension guides)

If authentication fails and you get a prompt for a user ID/Password combination, you can access via these credentials:

  • Username:  valib
  • Password:  2023!-Read

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EBSCO Widget builder

Promotional Materials

Training Support?

EBSCO Connect


  1. Login to the Ebsco Admin site (https://eadmin.ebscohost.com) with your admin credentials (contact Barry Trott, barry.trott@lva.virginia.gov if you do not have login credentials)
  2. Click the Reports & Statistics tab
  3. Click Standard Reports
  4. In the report window select the following options:
    1. Under Filters, choose All Subscribed Databases and click Select/View
    2. In the selection window, click Remove All
    3. Use the search tool in the selection window to choose the LVA databases (as well as any other EBSCO content that your institution subscribes to on its own). When you find a database in the search results double click it to move it over to the filtered collection (on the right side of the window). The LVA databases to select are:
      • Masterfile Complete
      • Masterfile Reference eBook Collection
      • NoveList Plus
      • NoveList Plus K-8
      • Read It!
      • Topic Overviews 6-12 (add results to MasterFILE number)
      • Topic Overviews Public Libraries (add results to MasterFILE number)
  5. Click Apply Changes
  6. Under Reporting Period set the appropriate date parameters
  7. Under Export choose Download
  8. Click Create Report for Download
  9. Click the Downloads tab
  10. Download the report as Excel
  11. Report the Total Requests for each resource