Magzter Digital Magazines

What is it?

Magzter provides a wide selection of digital magazines that can be accessed on mobile devices and tablets as well as on computers. Magazines are in English, Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Arabic.

How do patrons access it?

Android and iOS users can download the Magzter Library app from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store (please note they need to use the Magzter Library app not the standard Magzter app). Magzter can also be accessed in a browser at In each case they will enter an email address, receive an OTP code and then select their library and enter a library card number.

Marketing Support?

Access the WT Cox Magzter marketing materials page.

Download a “how to” flyer for Magzter (thanks to Henrico County PL for generously sharing their flyer to be adapted for all VA libraries).

Technical Support?

For technical support please email:


  • Access the admin dashboard at using the username and password sent to your library.
  • If prompted, select your library from the library menu.
  • Report the total usage for the desired reporting period.